Without question, the most iconic balloon decoration ever is the balloon arch. First invented for a private birthday party in 1979, hosted by none other than mega-rock star Cher, the balloon arch has is one of the most practical of all balloon decorations.
And why is it so popular? Because it's interactive! It's one of the only balloon decorations that you don't simply look at...you engage with it. You walk under it or through it. You create several of them to make a tunnel effect. They can be entrances, photo frames, backdrops and even centerpieces believe it or not!
So check out our balloon arch offerings. We think you'll discover something here that's perfect for your event.
But who says you have to "follow the rules" when it comes to balloon arches? Check out these truly unique designs and concepts created by the talented artists of Balloon Designers.
Believe it or not, the organic balloon garlands that you see all over Instagram and Pinterest weren't invented by a professional! No, it was actually a crafty social media content creator who defied every industry standard and concocted an extremely popular idea of using different sizes in colors with one central idea...out of chaos comes beauty.
Since that time, the organic garland concept has grown in leaps and bounds once adopted by the balloon industry. We at Balloon Designers have constructed literally MILES of this décor element. Whether you want them for entrance ways, photo backdrops, accents for other décor elements or whatever you can dream up, the organic garland is truly here to stay.
Don't limit yourself to just these options. The sky's the limit when it comes to organic balloon decorations.
Do you know that helium is actually a bi-product of the creation of natural gas? It's true! Helium is actually mined from pockets underground, and the United States has the largest supply of helium in the world!
But you don't have to worry...the helium used in balloon decorations is NOT the same helium that's used in medical technology for MRI machines. You can learn more about that on our environmental page.
So go ahead and enjoy the wonders and excitement of what helium balloons can bring to your party! Check out these popular designs.
And with a huge array of different foil (mylar) balloons out there, there are literally millions of combinations you can create with helium filled balloons.
While the concept of a "sculpted mylar creation" has been around for many years, it was perfected by balloon artists from South America. Because they couldn't easily get access to helium, they had to get creative and find new ways to dazzle their would-be clients, while offering something completely customizable so it could be personalized to almost everyone and everything.
We call these delivery and décor pieces "tableaus", and they have been trending on social media for the past several years. Whatever your celebration or budget, we can create a design tailored for your loved one's particular milestone, likes or interests.
Check out some of our most popular tableau designs here!
We can come up with just about anything your child, spouse, parent, family member, friend, co-worker (you get the idea!) would love! And if they don't have specific balloons catering to your theme, our talented artists can use other elements in the design to add those special touches to their day.
Long considered the "work horse" of the balloon world, the balloon column is one of the most versatile décor pieces you can get. It's often used to attract attention at entrances, but over the past several years balloon columns have become delivery pieces, dance floor décor and statement pieces that scream, "Hey! Look here!"
We at Balloon Designers create hundreds of balloon columns every year for all kinds of events. Whether it's a birthday, corporate function, wedding, baby shower or any other important gathering, we guarantee we have a design for you that will work with your theme AND budget.
So many themes, so many fun ideas that can be done with balloon columns...check out more of our designs.
Ever wonder just how versatile balloons can be? Then look no further! Balloons can be used to create some of the most whimsical and effective sculptures in the event world.
Letters, numbers, mascots, iconic images, whatever your need, balloon sculptures can be created in a wide range of sizes and styles. And Balloon Designers has developed an international reputation within the professional balloon industry as one of the leaders in this particular emphasis of balloon décor.
The above images were more of our practical, more common types of designs....check out these incredibly specialized but absolutely jaw-dropping pieces!
Still yet another popular use of balloons is to use lots of them combined to create structures and walls. Whether it's for photo backdrops, branding application or general message conveyance, balloon murals and walls create HUGE impact!
Since each balloon wall and mural is unique in it's own way, you'll need to share with us lots of information before we can quote prices on these. Location, application and design are just SOME of the questions we have to ask about before we can construct a balloon wall or mural for you, so be ready with lots of information!
8606 Preston-Fall City Rd SE, Issaquah, WA, United States
Serving Seattle WA area and surrounding areas including: Bellevue, Kirkland, Medina, Redmond, Renton, Issaquah, Sammamish and many more.
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